Your website isn’t just an online placeholder. It’s your digital handshake. For attorneys, it’s where trust begins—or ends. A potential client should visit your site, feel confident in your expertise, and, without hesitation, take the next step toward working with you. If your website’s not closing the deal, it’s time to fix that.

We’re talking simple stuff here—no jargon, no unnecessary frills. Let’s dive in.

First Impressions Matter, Don't Blow It

People form an opinion in seconds. It’s harsh, but it’s reality. And when it comes to your law firm’s site, you either look like a pro or someone still stuck in the early 2000s.

Your site needs to scream professionalism. No flashing banners. No clutter. Just clean, sharp, and direct. The kind of site that says, “I’m the attorney you want on your side.” Your visitors should know they’re in good hands just by how you’ve laid out your homepage.

Make It Ridiculously Easy to Contact You

Here’s the deal: people are busy. If they can’t find your contact info within the first 30 seconds, they’re moving on. Every page on your site should have a clear, easy-to-spot call to action (CTA). We’re talking big buttons, simple forms, and an email or phone number that follows them as they scroll.

And, for the love of everything legal, keep your forms short. We get it—you want details. But no one’s going to fill out a form longer than a deposition before they’ve even met you. Keep it to name, email, phone, and maybe a box for a quick message.

If Your Site’s Slow, So Are You

People aren’t patient online. They’ll give your site about three seconds to load before they’re gone. And trust me, they won’t be coming back.

Your website needs to load fast. Cut the fluff, compress those giant images, and make sure your pages load like lightning—especially on mobile. Not only will your visitors thank you, but Google will too (hint: it affects your search ranking).

Mobile: If It Doesn’t Work on Phones, It Doesn’t Work

Here’s a fun fact: most of your clients will check you out on their phones first. If your site doesn’t look clean and function smoothly on mobile, you’re losing clients before they’ve even had the chance to call you.

Make sure everything—buttons, forms, contact info—works perfectly on mobile. No awkward zooming in. No tiny buttons that frustrate the hell out of visitors.

Show Off Your Wins—People Want Proof

When it comes to legal services, talk is cheap. Potential clients want to see the results. Case studies, testimonials, “Here’s what I’ve done, here’s what I can do for you.” Make it real. Dedicate space on your site to those hard-earned wins and let your clients do the bragging for you.

People trust people. If they see you’ve helped others, they’ll believe you can help them. When people see trust signals, they feel more confident in your ability to handle their case.

Make sure your site prominently displays anything that reinforces your credibility. It might feel like a flex, but in the legal world, a little flex goes a long way.

SEO: It’s Not Sexy, But It Works

Sure, your site looks fantastic, but if no one can find it, what’s the point? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is how you get in front of the people who are actively looking for your services. We’re not talking about gaming the system—we’re talking about making sure your firm shows up when someone searches for legal help in your area.

If you’re a “business attorney in Austin,” you’d better have that exact phrase on your site. Make Google love you.

Get to the Point: Content Clients Actually Care About

Here’s the thing: your visitors don’t care about your law school GPA. They care about whether you can help them with their specific problem. So, stop the jargon. Get to the point. Write for your clients, not other lawyers.

Think FAQs, straightforward blog posts, and clear service pages that explain how you’ll help them solve their problems. If you can’t break down complex legal issues in a way that makes sense to a non-lawyer, you’re going to lose them.

At the end of the day, your website is either an asset or a liability. It’s time to make it an asset. Follow these tips and watch as your visitor count transforms into actual client conversions.

Want a head start? We’re offering $1,000 off custom website designs for attorneys. Let’s turn your website into a client-generating machine.